Responsible Gaming
We believe it is our responsibility to ensure our members enjoy their bingo experience at our clubs, whilst remaining fully aware of the social and financial harms associated with problem gambling.
All our managers are GamCare trained, and information is available at all clubs signposting members to all charitable help lines that provide support to those with gambling problems.
We also offer self-exclusion/suspension policies for anyone that asks for it.
To ensure that the best support is available to everyone, we endeavour to achieve the following at all times:
- Comply with all laws and regulations
- Provide information to members on responsible gaming
- Respect our members and provide assistance to any member who may experience problems with their gambling
- Promote charitable Gambling helplines, such as GamCare & Gamblers Anonymous and Gordon House
- Ensure all managers are trained in accordance with Gamcare Policy and & Gambling Commission
- All employees within Majestic Bingo will never encourage any members to gamble at any time.
- No employee at any time will imply in any form that gambling is a way out of financial difficulty
- No person shall be offered alcohol as an inducement to gambling
- Should the company be approached by a friend or relative of a gambler, then the company shall treat that approach sympathetically and endeavour to assist with any request
- Not allowing entrance by anyone who cannot prove they are 18 or over, and displaying ?NO UNDER 18? signs
Should any employee be approached by a member concerned about gambling problems, the company will ensure that;
All requests for help made by the member to the club will be complied with, such as:
- Self-exclusion will be made available at all times, if this is chosen then details of this will be communicated to the member in writing, minimum of six months.
- The club can restrict, you only playing with cash at the club, or by restricting any cheque or debit card facilities the club may have if requested to enable the member to control their gambling.
- Accepting your resignation from the bingo club in writing, with the reason stated. On re-application a discussion with our Manager on the member's resolution of their gambling problem.
- We note the guidance of the Gambling Commission and the Gambling Act:
- That children and young persons should not be permitted to gamble and should be prevented from entering those gambling premises or parts of premises which are adult only environments.
- That specific measures such as supervision of entrances, and segregation of gaming area, and supervision of gaming machines may be necessary in their premises, however each case will be considered on its own merits
- That vulnerable persons, this is assumed that this group includes people who gamble more then they wish to, people who gamble beyond their means, and people who may not be able to make informed or balanced decisions about gambling due to mental impairment, alcohol and drugs.
We will consider on a case by case basis whether any special considerations apply in relation to the protection of vulnerable persons.
We support the Bingo Industry Self-Exclusion Scheme (BISES) system - a secure national database of individuals who have asked to be excluded from licensed bingo premises in Great Britain.
The quickest way for a customer to request exclusion is to attend their local club where we will explain the scheme, undertake the interview, take a digital image and assist you in completing an online self-exclusion form which you will need to sign. You can also do this by telephoning your local club or licensed bingo premises, or by contacting them through our website.
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